Sym-Agro® Launches Eckosil Shield, Providing Growers a New Option to Manage Heat and Abiotic Stress and Reduce Fruit Sunburn

Visalia, Calif., November 18, 2021 – Sym-Agro® is pleased to announce the introduction of Eckosil Shield, new OMRI listed silicon-based stress mitigation solution for organic farming and conventional agriculture. Eckosil is based on soluble orthosilicate technology which quickly absorbs into treated crops to build an intercellularly protective barrier to defend against stress
and provide sunburn protection. It also acts as an abiotic stress manager that helps crops dissipate excess heat and moderates solar radiation.

Eckosil’s formulation is unique because of its low pH, allowing it to easily be tank mixed with a wide range of tank mix partners. Unlike current heat stress materials Eckosil provides the convenience of using low per acre rates ranging from 4-20 ounce per acre. Eckosil is labeled on a wide range of crops and will be available in 2022 from your Sym-Agro® distributors.

The benefits to using Eckosil result in reduced plant stress, improved water efficiency, improved salinity tolerance and reduced sunburn and split on fruit. The product goes on clear, is absorbed into the treated tissue and leaves no visual residue on the treated surface. Multi-year field trials have shown that Eckosil-treated crops experience increased marketable yield compared to untreated controls when applied at labeled rates.

“Sym-Agro® is exited to launch this new product to help growers manage crop stress and improve quality,” says Sym-Agro® President Peter Bierma. “With the past few years of higher temperatures and low rain fall, Eckosil provides an effective solution for the heat stress and sunburn protecting market.”

It is recommended that Eckosil be used in a program and that applications be made 2-4 weeks before heat stress events in order to build the protective barrier over time.